The Future
Our Goal
As a volunteer community organization, the solutions to the root causes of these issues are beyond what we alone can do. However, we can't let that be an excuse for a failure to act. We believe we can make a significant difference to those in need by providing an environment that is warm, welcoming, and understanding. To be more specific, our intention is to:
provide an environment where residents of the community, particularly young people, can feel welcome and accepted without regard to race, religion, creed, income, sexual orientation, or gender.
aid residents in the areas of food security, as well as providing them with an increased awareness of area services and programs.
provide a comfortable and convenient place for community groups to meet and to give residents a place to go and be with friends and neighbours.
be a visible and active participant in the economic and social life of the community.
maintain and protect the heritage value of St. Paul''s in accordance with the regulations of the Ontario Heritage Trust.
Our Plan
Thanks to a generous grant from a private family foundation and an individual donor, the restoration of the church interior is essentially complete. This grant enabled us to upgrade the heating system from radiant heaters to an energy efficient HVAC system that will both heat and cool the building. Additionally, we were able to improve the access and accessibility to the attached hall by installing a ramp and door to the hall from inside the church.
Our focus is now on the complete restoration of the attached hall. It will be done in phases with the first phase being the installation of a new roof, which was completed in 2024. The second and final phase will be the restoration and renovation of the hall itself. When completed, the Food Bank will be relocated from inside the church to the hall. The hall will also contain space for community groups, a small kitchen, space for community meals, support groups, and children's programs. The interior will be designed to be flexible in order to meet the various requirements. The church will then revert to being a public facility available for concerts, public meetings, and events marking any of life's passages regardless of denomination or sexual orientation. Last but not least, the property at the rear of the hall will provide a park-like setting for a children's play area and perhaps a small picnic area.